CISA stance hurts small steel mills - China Daily
China's top negotiators in the bitter and protracted row over the price of iron ore seem destined never to agree - risking a loss of face that will raise questions about whether they are up to the job and who it is they are actually representing.
Their apparent refusal to compromise is damaging the competitiveness of smaller domestic steel mills, forcing them to buy from their larger counterparts, say analysts. The bigger firms have been content to pay whatever the spot price is for ore and pass on the premiums.
CNPC to speed up oil assets buy plan - Xiao Wan of eChinaCities
China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), the country's largest oil and gas producer, will speed up overseas acquisitions in regions such as Africa and South America this year, in a bid to boost China's quest for energy security.
Coal mines to merge in new plan - China Daily
A large-scale restructuring of the coal industry in China's major coal-producing province of Shanxi, starting at the end of this month, will reduce accidents and improve efficiency by shutting down small coal mines, officials said.
"The restructuring this time is the largest after years of adjusting the coal industry's structure," Miao Huanli, planning section director of Shanxi provincial coal bureau, said yesterday.

Thanks for the kind words Patricia. What originally began as a hobby / personal interest has developed into a daily part of my routine. I'm glad what I post reaches people who appreciate it. I will def be checking out your site as well. Thanks again!
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