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If you have kept up to date as I try to do with China's oversea investments in the commodity and energy sectors you're probably aware of the fact China has been shopping for commodities in emerging markets.Africa and to a lesser extent South America where the main benefactors of China's spending spree from 2000-2008. The two continents are home to abundant supplies of natural resources China needs to sustain economic growth. The two continents are also home to various countries that are hungry for foreign direct investment in their commodity sectors which until recent had been the main fuel behind their respective economics booms.
China also had a edge up on their western counterparts in many of these countries. Some countries in Africa and South America intimidate traditional western investors due to political instability. Others have such a horrendous human rights record that many western firms are morally inclined not work in them.With the global slow down in full swing, cash rich Chinese companies and investment groups now find themselves in a different position. Frozen credit markets, plummeting commodity prices, depressed stock market prices and a cloudy horizon in the future have led many mining companies from developed countries to search for long-term investors with the capital to keep their operations running until the global economy improves.China has shifted its attention away from Africa, instead focusing on possible investment opportunities in Canada, Australia and South America. Keith Spence, president of Global Mining Corp, a China-focused resource investment company was quoted in a great piece published in the Financial Times yesterday."The Chinese realize there are massive opportunities in the market. A year ago, they were going to Africa to acquire early-stage development assets. But now they are looking for larger tonnage, longer life, later-stage assets. There is less of an emphasis on emerging markets, because now there is choice."Last month China's largest zinc producer, Zhongjin purchased 50.1% of Australian zinc miner Perilya for $32 million usd. Chinalco, a Chinese aluminum company has suggested it may increase its stake in Rio Tinto to nearly 15%.(click here to access the full article on this topic from the Financial Times)I must say it is interesting to see that although China finds itself in a more lucrative buying position that it has not shunned South America. Evidence to suggest the Chinese may perceive South America as more than simply another commodity rich area in which to extract untapped resources.Rather it may be that South America has come to represent a region that has well developed assets, worthy of purchasing for the long-term. China is forging much closer ties with fellow APEC members Chile and Peru. China is quickly working with Peru to finalize a Free Trade Agreement and already has one with Chile. China is increasing its investment in agricultural commodities in Brazil and Argentina and hopes to continue easing visa restrictions for many of its citizens on travel to the region.Below I've included a chart of Chinese investments / cooperation with Latin American countries. I assembled this chart about 6 months ago for my independent study / thesis. If you know of any other instances of Sino-Latin America interaction please by all means let me know and I'll update this chart.

The current economic crisis has hit commodity producers in South America hard. All the talk about decoupling, booming domestic demand and well planned budgets will be tested as commodity exports plummet. The big names in financial news (Reuters, Bloomberg, FT) reported this morning Brazil, Colombia and Chile have plans to sell bonds in international markets. All three of these economies depend heavily on revenue which is derived from commodity exports The recent tumble in commodity prices is not welcome news for these countries, which until just recently where some of the fastest growing emerging markets in the world.Bloomberg LP reports Brazil will sell $1 billion of 10 year-notes, Colombia plans to raise what it calls a “benchmark offering” of roughly $500 million, and Chile has yet to release a figure on how much it will raise but its finance minister has confirmed it is very plausible the country will indeed issue its first foreign bonds since 2003 in order to help fun its fiscal stimulus plan. (click here to access the full article from Bloomberg LP)More bad news was released this morning when Brazil reported Industrial output dropped the most in 7 years. This is not a good sign. Internal demand from consumers in countries like Brazil and China remains high, but is not sufficient to keep these economies growing at the rates they have enjoyed during the past few years.According to economists at Bloomberg, Brazil will expand at its slowest pace this year since 2003. Growth forecasts made by the Central Bank of Brazil are being cut in half for 2008 and economists are now predicting interest rate cuts later in January. (click here to read more on this topic from Bloomberg LP)One bit of good news comes from Braskem SA, Latin America's largest petrochemical company. It is currently in the midst of a 4-day rally in Sao Paulo trading. The gain comes as Peru announced plans to construct a new petrochemical plant in the southern port of Marcona. Braskem, has been actively seeking natural gas and raw materials at competitive prices in South America. Peru has lined up $8 billion for its energy industry. Additionally, Braskem already had plans to build a plant in Peru that would be supplied by the Camisea gas fields. (click here to access the full article from Bloomberg LP)Recent developments in Peru seem to have bolstered investor confidence in the company which had previously been exploring natural gas investments in Bolivia and Venezuela. In both cases, there were various difficulties that emerged in working with the governments of Morales and Chavez. It seems, Braskem's new choice of opting to work in Peru is being interpreted by the market as the correct one.I find it pretty interesting, that the mere construction of a Petrochemical plant in Peru, can turn the heads of investors and cause a petrochemical company trading in Brazil to go on a 4-day rally. It just shows how markets can move based on people's perception of regions they know little about. I just hope investors realize that the rosy picture the international financial community paints of Peru may change if the government continues to fail at bringing prosperity the more remote regions of the country where much of Peru's raw materials are extracted from. For now though it seems the investors are content with Braskem's decision to avoid working with the left wing, anti-American regimes in Bolivia and Venezuela...
It seems just yesterday that Chinese IPO's where the talk of the town. Even if you were not buying them yourself, it still seemed as if everyone else was. When you consider what an IPO is, it's no wonder why the investment communities appetite for them has disappeared. When companies go public they offer a certain portion of their company to shareholders. In exchange shareholders invest their money in hopes of seeing a given company grow and prosper. If a company grows and prospers, shareholders are rewarded by seeing the value of their investments rise. If the company preforms poorly investors see their investments loose value.If you have cash lying around would you trust your money in a company looking to expand or finance some project in the context of the economic climate today?
Chinese companies are feeling the pinch, turning to banks instead the stock market to raise the capital they need. The Financial Times reports “Mainland companies last year raised a record $100bn in IPOs on exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong – far more than established bourses in New York or London.” (Click here to access the full article from the Financial Times) In response, the Chinese Government is attempting to encourage banks to lend to companies looking for expansion capital. The recent interest rate cuts make lending cheaper, which will help entice banks to lend, but if history repeats itself Chinese banks may find themselves with a great deal of outstanding loans that can not be repaid. This happened in the late 90's and it could happen again. Especially if the Chinese economy is not able to weather the global recession as well as many hope. Additionally, many IPO's from 2006 and 2007 benefits not from legitimate investments from people who had faith in their business, but rather from speculative investors who wanted a piece of the profits.Chinese media, Xinhua, reports Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) expects IPO's will rise in value by 45% in the second half of 2009 as a result of the government stimulus package. PwC forecasts Companies will raise about 150 billion yuan (22 billion U.S. dollars) through IPOs in China in 2009.” State media in China should be analyzed with a bit of skepticism for obvious reasons (it is filtered if you didn't know). This fact alone contradicts with the figures presented by the Financial Times that in 2009 over $100bn was raised. It would be nice to be told what base measure they are using when they figure the 45% increase. If anyone feels like checking out the PwC report you might be able to find out. (Click here to access the full article from Xinhua)Brazilian IPO's also seem to be having a tough time, as reported by Bloomberg LP today. “The point isn’t that VisaNet isn’t interested in listing, but that there have been problems, in this market, in pricing the offer in a way that shareholders will be satisfied,” said Victor Mizusaki at Sao Paulo-based Itau Corretora, the brokerage unit of Brazil’s biggest non-state bank. “There is a deadline to turn in all the paperwork and to price the offer, and the time limit was running out.” Brazil’s boom in IPOs dried up last year with only four companies going public compared with 64 in 2007 as the global financial crisis sent the benchmark Bovespa index down 41 percent and reduced investors’ appetite for riskier emerging-market assets. Companies raised more than 70 billion reais through initial and additional stock sales in 2007, according to data from exchange owner BM&FBovespa SA.(Click here to access the full article from from Bloomberg LP) All in all, I'd say IPO's are going to far and wide in the developing world for 2009. All these countries have seen the incredible attraction they garner when times are good and investors are flowing with confidence and money. They also see that when times are bad, people will pick and choose their investments very carefully. Meaning far less appetite for risky investments, in particular with companies that have yet to face the pressure of being traded and valued within the context of this chaotic and unpredictable market.